A Journey in Review, Post 40: Normalize Dying
Go in, whether your person is dying at home or in a facility for their safety and comfort. Normalize dying. You won’t be sorry. The dying have beautiful gifts if we’re willing to enter, sit with them, see them. And your visit is a gift.
A Journey in Review, Post 38: The Questions
A Journey in Review, Post 33: Scary Decision
The palliative team that came aboard with us eventually evolved into a hospice care team. We didn’t like needing it, but it was time. It was the right scary decision.
Firsts and Anniversaries
I doubt that grief has a one-size-fits-all strategy. The best I can do as I find my way through this darkness is give myself and others grace as we muddy this first set of holidays and memories with our awkward steps (and missteps) through them.
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