Whether or not you celebrate a specific holiday, the long nights of this season are perfect for reflection. Many use these dark, cold nights to reflect on what they did with the 365 days of the year.
How did I grow? What have I lost? What have I gained?
In keeping with all things 2020, we get an extra day this year. We can reflect on 366, not just 365, days. 8,784, not just 8760, hours.
Let’s not blow that extra day.
Sure, 2020 is a thief. Pandemonium. Maelstrom. She has taken away many things, many lives, with another eleven days (264 hours or so) left to wreak havoc. But perhaps, she is giving one thing back: a chance to reflect. To truly reflect.
This year we have permission to go small and go within. We have a pass on the frazzle and the bustle of the season. We can stay home and stay well.
Let’s not blow this “down” time as we isolate to love each other better. Let’s embrace this parting gift, this time to reflect.
©Pennie Nichols. All Rights Reserved. 2020
Pennie, I happened upon your blog earlier this year as I thought about Valencia 1980 and The Perils of Pennie & Patti. Time flies–forty years–doesn’t it? I’ve so enjoyed your blog! Through your writings, I still feel a connection to you and your life experiences, despite the miles and many years between us.
Yes, 2020 has given us (or required of us) the chance to slow down and reflect on where we’ve been, what’s important, and how to be our best for ourselves and others…and give ourselves grace in the process. A tall order.
Congrats on getting through 2020. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year. Cheers to 2021! Arriba! Abajo! Al centro! y pa’ dentro!
Oh my goodness!!! I’m crying. I’ve been looking for you! Happy New Year! Let’s please catch up in 2021.
Yes! Yes! Hey, Pennie. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I had already chosen to read this. I pinned it and shared on Facebook. I’m so right there with you. I’ve been saying this through my blog, etc., ad nauseum since the spring. Happy Holidays! & Winter Solstice.
Thank YOU!
Ohmyword, yes! How many times have I prayed for life to slow down a little so I can catch my breath? And here it is all tied up in tinsel and I fail to recognize it for what it is! The chance to reflect, indeed. And take that breath.
Thank you, Pennie, for pointing out what should have been obvious, but totally wasn’t! Have a wonderful New Year! 🙂
You’re welcome. It’s hard to see what we’re in the middle of it.
Yes, and through it all may Jesus be glorified!