I needed a word.
I wanted to write more, so I explored WordPress. I must have accidentally created an account, because before I knew I had one, I had a follower. It was time to write.
We all struggle with something or many things. Some things are a steeper climb than others. My steep climb, my Everest, is writing, really writing, for myself. I write. I write a lot. I write every day. But what I write is the equivalent of paying rent for a pad instead of paying mortgage for a home.
The year I accidentally WordPressed, I made a resolution to “write for real” vs. “write for rent.” Since then, I’ve been “writing” my ship and steering it towards my intention of 30 plus years.
Write for real.
I hope you find a truth here and there, a reason to come back, a little inspiration to follow your own dream. This blog is my acknowledgment of taking control. I’m harnessing the power of my word for me.
This is my lexical gymnasium. My wordsmith shop. My lingual studio.
It’s time for a word.
Won’t you join me?
© Copyright Pennie Nichols. All Rights Reserved. 2015 Updated 2016 @ Copyright Pennie Nichols. All Rights Reserved. 2016
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