The Hidden Brain podcast about being the change you want to see moved me.
The host Shankar Vedantam asks what would happen if we truly stood by our principles. He also points out how exhausting people who stick to their principles can be.
The podcast showcases the journey of one couple and their effort to raise their daughter free from gender stereotypes. This story is not only moving, but also enlightening. To shield their child from gender stereotypes these parents struggled against words, clothing, and colors. They struggled with family and friends. But they held true to their path and trusted their truth. And, importantly, they were patient.
Changes take time. Being the change takes patience.
This couple takes being the change to a fiercely high level. I feel privileged to know a few young souls who are as strong and brave as that couple. The bravery of people who fearlessly stand by their principles gives me hope. They also inspire me to be better and being the change.
©Copyright Pennie Nichols. All Rights Reserved, 2017.
It really is the extremists, the “fundamentalists” who push all of us to change. Often these people are exhausted and exhausting to be around, but like you, I really appreciate them.
I think they are a little braver and have a little more energy than I do.